Buy-Sell Agreements

Death and disability are unique contingencies in a buy-sell agreement in that they’re the only ones that can be funded for pennies on the dollar with insurance contracts.

Either incident can topple a thriving business, because one partner is suddenly forced to make large after-tax payments to the other’s family right after losing one of its key team members.

There are countless horror stories about how this drain on cash flow at such a critical time has derailed the financial aspirations of two families at once. We often find that when business owners have previously engaged in this sort of planning, they check the box, put it in a file, and move on. The documents stay static, but life and their business outside that file keeps changing.

What once was the perfect plan may now either leave a surviving business owner with an insurmountable financial obligation, or it could leave the decedent’s family short-changed on a forced sale.

When acquiring insurance products we use our sister company Symbiotic Insurance Solutions, Inc., an independent insurance agency dedicated to acquiring the optimal products from whichever insurance carrier suits our clients’ individual health situations.